Tuesday 4 May 2010

Upon reflection of dans roller coaster of an emotion ride i decided i should spend a good ten minutes researching something.....car insurance!

My first thought was of terror but was quickly overcome by the consumption of a cornish pasty...gota love the cornish.

So back to the whirlwind adventure

My first port of call was a 'google search' (an Internet browser) of the term International car insurance, this gave me 33,000,000 hits, Looks like i am in for a long night!

It was at this precise point i thought to myself..Do i need car insurance so back to the google search bar...do i need car insurance for travel to america i was immediately attracted to the link highlighting Tips for traveling abroad, Hazaa i thought to myself Hazaa indeed.

Well i have just got back from temper trap...how exhilarating! excellent use of water aswell!

back to the undying task at hand...http://travel.state.gov/travel/tips/tips_1232.html
This website offered a few stages to think about but with phrases like how to have a safe trip, i cant help imagining a safety guide to falling over on the street...wandering again yeeas...

This is pretty boring to me now i feel like sleeping

Like lost i shall drag this arduous experience longer than should ever be necessary to any human nerve end! mmm biology

Signed (Vince)

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Vince and Dan

Vince and Dan
...not a couple