Thursday 6 May 2010

Homeless in Boston Part One

I have just finished reading Vinces(who has found a way to stay in the US thanks to me being awesome) blog posting below and two thoughts came to mind:
1. What is this boy talking about... there isn't even a title!
2. I need to out-blog this mother chuffer.

Naturally at this point I should be starting my next assignment to ensure I actually pass the year to eventually get to america, but you know how it is. Procrastination is the key of living, if it wasn't for procrastination there would be no such things as funny t-shirts and everyone loves funny t-shirts and if you don't then... well it just brings a tear to my eye.

Another thing I currently need is a shower, but due to the washing machine having some sort of mental breakdown that isn't possible for the minute.

One final thing to do today is Vote in the elections. Don't waste your votes! or else they come for you... it's actually quite scary. This one time I didn't vote in a talent competition and they came and... actually i don't want to talk about it.

"That's not how you use a pen ohhhhh...."

So yes, in this outblog mission I currently have cooked up I needed a subject and that subject is....
WHERE TO STAY IN BOSTON (if getting a car is harder than expected)

So i googled hotels in boston...
i quite need the toilet now
and chances are I'll forget to come back to this today because i'm even boring myself

Believe me Part two will blow your mind!

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Vince and Dan

Vince and Dan
...not a couple