Friday 2 July 2010

Bin Thinkin...

Okay i have been thinking about this adventure....and i dont know what to do if i use all my money i have on this trip i will have a bout £50 a day...that is alot but thas just getting there soo

Im thinking of going for the 90 days and using hire cars not sure yet but personally i think 90 days might be enough...It is a horrible thought but i need to think realistically purely down to the Visa situation i think 90 days might be it...

Monday 28 June 2010


Okay time to start formulating a plan....

First of all my mum thinks we should just get a flight to a few states and just enjoy those few states spending our money on them instead of "wasting" it on travelling the 11,000 miles...itll be safer and we can spend more on having a good time but subjected to a few places which is a bit opposite to the initial idea but something to think about...

Another option is to skip out accomodation costs aaaand get a spend more money on a motor vehicle and save on accomodation...

But the first thing that must happen is me getting a visa so if you can rember the site you found the visa info for thatll be brilliant dan...

Wednesday 16 June 2010

Well if like me your disappointed with the lack of both time travel and polar bears in the last blog here is a lolcat
anywho... i do believe the time has come to consolidate sources and get a rough price for the initial costs of getting there and being able to carry on so today i shall begin this whirlwind adventure and ideally blog it up laterz (Vince)

Sunday 13 June 2010

Just a little one (like vinces penis!) right! who's with me?

good place for cars perhaps...

Dan Out

Huh? What Blog?

Oh Yeah, I said there would be a part two... never mind i got bored.

As much as I understood vince's last blog (i didn't but shh) I've been wondering how much insurance would be... so using only one website I found it to be £100 each.
Also, sad times... the price of flights go up every time I check so I think probably soon to be time to book it. yes?
Also, £50 per night per person for the cheapest, but still fairly awesome looking hotel called 'doubletree hotel in boston'.

Vince ... your opinion?


Polar Bears, Time Travel and the price range of cars...

Tuesday 8 June 2010

Travel insurance!

Sooo iv been looking at travel insurance and although through mixed reviews i think essential travel insurance seem to be the best...good price and seem to offer most things...

Saturday 29 May 2010


Being a human currier apparently ensures cheap flights when looking after an item of post...Also looking into returning hire cars to certain states is an option to enquire further. Greyhound bus? (like national express) YMCA's for accommodation

things to lok at


Thursday 6 May 2010


Well ladies and gentlemen looks like we have ourselves a blog off!

I am not here to continue my blog but more to continue the anticipation for something that may or may not happen, no one really knows or understands the extent of the purpose in any relevant reality or imagined the discontinued false pretence, attached to a mere blog.

For someone to really comprehend the immense elated, stuff, juxtaposed to a blog it must first be tested for Aids, Syphilis and the common cold. All of which are contagious in the event of sexual interaction, and dang pesky.

For now this is all but next time i will reveal to you the 5th dimension! all i can give you at this time is this....

(Vince) Oh yea America

Homeless in Boston Part One

I have just finished reading Vinces(who has found a way to stay in the US thanks to me being awesome) blog posting below and two thoughts came to mind:
1. What is this boy talking about... there isn't even a title!
2. I need to out-blog this mother chuffer.

Naturally at this point I should be starting my next assignment to ensure I actually pass the year to eventually get to america, but you know how it is. Procrastination is the key of living, if it wasn't for procrastination there would be no such things as funny t-shirts and everyone loves funny t-shirts and if you don't then... well it just brings a tear to my eye.

Another thing I currently need is a shower, but due to the washing machine having some sort of mental breakdown that isn't possible for the minute.

One final thing to do today is Vote in the elections. Don't waste your votes! or else they come for you... it's actually quite scary. This one time I didn't vote in a talent competition and they came and... actually i don't want to talk about it.

"That's not how you use a pen ohhhhh...."

So yes, in this outblog mission I currently have cooked up I needed a subject and that subject is....
WHERE TO STAY IN BOSTON (if getting a car is harder than expected)

So i googled hotels in boston...
i quite need the toilet now
and chances are I'll forget to come back to this today because i'm even boring myself

Believe me Part two will blow your mind!

Tuesday 4 May 2010

Upon reflection of dans roller coaster of an emotion ride i decided i should spend a good ten minutes researching insurance!

My first thought was of terror but was quickly overcome by the consumption of a cornish pasty...gota love the cornish.

So back to the whirlwind adventure

My first port of call was a 'google search' (an Internet browser) of the term International car insurance, this gave me 33,000,000 hits, Looks like i am in for a long night!

It was at this precise point i thought to myself..Do i need car insurance so back to the google search i need car insurance for travel to america i was immediately attracted to the link highlighting Tips for traveling abroad, Hazaa i thought to myself Hazaa indeed.

Well i have just got back from temper exhilarating! excellent use of water aswell!

back to the undying task at hand...
This website offered a few stages to think about but with phrases like how to have a safe trip, i cant help imagining a safety guide to falling over on the street...wandering again yeeas...

This is pretty boring to me now i feel like sleeping

Like lost i shall drag this arduous experience longer than should ever be necessary to any human nerve end! mmm biology

Signed (Vince)

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Funny Money

Now clearly the 'American Dream' has had a little bit of a downer of late with Vince realizing he can only stay 90 days. But being some kind of a mental optimist I believe it is all going to be dandy!

Which is why I began to research money things.

Now I was sitting here thinking lovely things about rainbows and muffins when it struck me... 'Wait! don't banks charge you for taking out money abroad?'... and so began my extensive (maybe up to 10 minute) research into how not to get charged for transactions abroad. Now in that (just under) 10 minute research session I found some crazy shit; offshore banking, foreign accounts, opening an account in America (...or whatever the destination may be).

I was beginning to feel like it would be a bit complicated to get money out abroad and as my mood was spiraling downward in this 10 minute emotional roller coaster about banking I decided to google the obvious... 'travelling bank account'.

This opened up a world of dramatic realization (about banking) to the wondrous possibilities available to me. When I say possibilities I mean possibility, because there seems to be a nationwide (this is a pun you won't get it yet... and it was unintentional... think banks... you see you're getting it!) consensus on the most ideal bank account to open when going abroad.

And this bank account is... (i hinted at it with the pun)..... NATIONWIDE and their 'flexiaccount'. Basically it gives no fees when using the account abroad AT ALL with a decent exchange rate (apparently) and there isn't a weird unknown set up, we can pop into nationwide set up an account (hopefully not a joint account that would be weird) and enjoy the experience without much need to worry!

Now I'm sure I could've condensed this entire post to one paragraph, but where would be the drama and how would you know how my emotions soared and dived... over the course of (under) 10 minutes (about banking...)


Tuesday 27 April 2010

visa problem

from the visa land...

Can I extend the 90 day limit of the Visa Waiver Program?

No, the 90 day period of admission is not extendable.

Ball bags! I dont know what to do!!!

looks like i can only stay there for 90 days! noooo

Sunday 25 April 2010


found this site for insurance...

not sure what i need but looks over $500 not sure tho

need a place which tells us what we neeed


Thursday 22 April 2010

CAR!! no not you jimmy!

This website seems to be the best option when purchasing an automobile:

Lots of options

that be all

peace out!

Wednesday 21 April 2010

new picture

Heres a lovely picture from mr google maps

Estimated distance...

I have calculated by using google maps each leg of the journey there are roughly 33 locations on route involving 166 hours of driving amounting to just under 7 days solid driving! In a car hitting about 30 miles per gallon this will cost about $1000 which is not bad at all roughly £750 for nearly 10,000 miles!

Well there is some lovely maths for you


Heres the plan...ish starting from Boston

Now to make it happen!

Tuesday 20 April 2010

There aren't no party like a 'Nomads' party?

I'll start off by telling everyone who is subscribing to our blog (i know we're big in north korea) that i got a super cool awesome tattoo today that vince is ultimately jealous of (lol).
Secondly I shall share information on the 'Nomads Card' that I have discovered, which will not only ensure those cheap and quick flights I mentioned yesterday in my second ever blog (how exciting), but may get us more discounts around the actual world (zomg).
As you can see I'm big on brackets (it's true).
Moving on, apparently it specializes in the UK, USA and Australian travelers, because obviously we're the one's in the need of a discount the most because of our failing economies and other shit.
But the advantage to this is cheap and recommended accommodation in these three countries which is goood if looking for places to stay (although i'm sure the card isn't just gonna pipe up and say 'Yo there is a cheap hostel over there in North Dakota (the friendliest state)').
Another advantage is cheap payphone calls to home.... all this for £14... you know the more i think about it the less good this card sounds.... see for yourself...

On a seperate note, travelling to the US by boat is not only infinitely expensive, but a good 10 days longer... so i'm ruling that out

우리는 편지 및 지원 xxx를 사랑한다
For all you sexy koreans out there.



A Visa thing

Okay although it only applies to me it looks like i need to go down to the embassy to sort it out because there is a 90 day rule without a visa...unfortunatly there has to be proof of a returning trip within the 90 days and we dont need that sort of i gota apply for an interview fun!

Monday 19 April 2010

I'm blogging more and more and more and more and mor... no thats it

I'm the hunter of cheap flights and because I am an utter fantasmic genius. Now there is probably some freaky shit going down with this website, but it's
and i'm
Here is the site...
Fantastic Stuff (Dan)

car hunting

I have found a nice list of cars...
I say nice I mean just a list but it looks like about $600-$1000 for a car


the hunt continues!


The Icelandic Dream

Iceland had a dream, a dream not only to spurt ash across the world, but also a dream to provide a gateway for cheap travel to the USA.
I'm blogging because Vince told me too, but mainly to say here is the cheapest shortest flight to Boston via the great volcanic north.
but also...
It was £575 for two when i checked...
Fantastc Stuff (Dan)

The American dream

So today the 19th of April vince and dan have embarked upon the first stage of planning...deciding where around the daym world to go!! we have decided..........America! and a little bit of Canada!
The plan is to start in Boston and go around America anti clockwise!! wooo im excited (Vince)

Vince and Dan

Vince and Dan
...not a couple